A great brand can really help you stand out to your customers amongst your competitors and build relationships.
Brand awareness can be one of the biggest factors in influencing purchasing decisions, as well as providing opportunities for increased engagement with your customers on an ongoing basis.
Your website branding, design style and tone of voice highlights to your audience who you are and what you do.
It says so much about your values, your qualities and proposition and helps build that relationship with your customers – both new and existing and can help boost your brand.
It’s important that your brand is implemented on your site on all customer touchpoints so you can clearly show your customers who you are as a business.
Logo Design
Striking the right balance of visual aesthetics, key design principles, core values and company vision/message within one small logo is a difficult task. In-depth research, understanding of the market, competitors and the business all play an important role in developing a brand that will resonate with your audience and make them buy into your brand and product/service. We specialise in this balance and our in-house graphic designed will work with you to develop a brand so it will engage with your audience, win hearts and minds and achieve brand recognition.
Brand Guidelines
Ensuring that your brand is reproduced correctly, both online and in print, can be exceptionally difficult for someone who has never worked with it before. This is why we offer a brand guidelines product with tools and instructions on every aspect - from correct positioning and accompanying imagery to the use of paired typography and colours. This guide ensures brand integrity in the public arena so your message is never compromised or mis-understood by internal staff, partners, clients, suppliers or media.